Isolated Tuberculosis of Talus: A Case Report

  • Dr Choudhari P Shri Aurobindo Medical College, Indore
  • Dr Champawat VS Shri Aurobindo Medical College, Indore
  • Dr Jain N Shri Aurobindo Medical College, Indore
Keywords: Talus, Tuberculosis, Tubercular osteomyelitis, Osteoarticular tuberculosis


Case Report: Osteo-articular tuberculosis continues to be a major global pandemic, with its greatest impact in developing countries. Among osteo-articular tuberculosis, involvement of foot, particularly isolated involvement of the talus is an extremely rare event. We discuss such rare case of a 30-year-old male diagnosed with isolated tuberculosis of right talus treated with surgical debridement and curettage of the talus along with antitubercular therapy. After 12 months postoperative, the patient was able to carry out his daily activities without pain.


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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3969889
Published: 2019-12-31
How to Cite
Dr Choudhari P, Dr Champawat VS, Dr Jain N. Isolated Tuberculosis of Talus: A Case Report. ojmpc [Internet]. 2019Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];25(2):82-4. Available from:
Case Report