Unilateral flail chest with scapular winging treated with tension band wirings of ribs: A case report

  • Tanwar M Department of Orthopaedics PGIMS Rohtak Haryana, India
  • Kundu Z S Department of Orthopaedics PGIMS Rohtak Haryana, India
  • Vashisht G Department of Orthopaedics PGIMS Rohtak Haryana, India
Keywords: Unilateral flail, Tension, controversial


Tension band wiring is becoming increasingly popular method for stabilizing a flail chest resulting from multiple rib fractures. The indications for fixation of flail chest injuries remain controversial mostly because of a lack of adequate studies [1]. Recent guidelines recommend surgical stabilization of a flail chest based on consistent evidence of its efficacy and lack of major safety concerns. But complications of this procedure can occur and are wide ranging [2]. We report an interesting case of a patient who underwent fixation with tension band wiring for multiple unilateral rib fractures that successfully healed with good functional outcome.


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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3971016
Published: 2016-06-30
How to Cite
Tanwar M, Kundu Z S, Vashisht G. Unilateral flail chest with scapular winging treated with tension band wirings of ribs: A case report. ojmpc [Internet]. 2016Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];22(1):44-6. Available from: https://ojmpc.com/index.php/ojmpc/article/view/28
Case Report