Comparative study between laminectomy and fenestration surgery in lumbar prolapsed intervertebral disc (PIVD)

  • Singh V Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, R. D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, (M.P), India
  • Mehta R
  • Patidar A
  • Bhinde S
  • Agrawal A
  • Jain P
  • Soni A
  • Rathore S S
  • Gupta N
Keywords: Laminectomy, Fenestration, Oswestry Disability index


Background: Comparative study between laminectomy and fenestration surgery in lumbar prolapsed intervertebral disc (PIVD).
Material and method: In this study, 44 cases of Lumbar Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc (PIVD) were admitted and divided into two procedure groups, i.e; laminectomy and fenestration and operated via either of the procedure and the outcome after the surgery was assessed by the Oswestry Disability index (ODI).
Results: In Present study, the fenestration group’s ODI score was significantly decreased post-operatively after one month and after 6-12 months with p<0.05 with ODI values pre-operatively, post- operatively after one month and after 6-12 months with mean 28.05±4.03, 4.68±2.42 and 3.50±4.11, respectively. In present study, the laminectomy group’s ODI score was Significantly decreased post-operatively after one month and after 6-12 months with p<0.05 with ODI score values pre- operatively, post-operatively after one month and after 6-12 months with mean 30.05±4.01, 6.27±3.27 and 5.14±5.51 respectively.
Conclusion: No significant difference was found in post-operative after one month and post operative 6-12 months ODI scores between both study groups laminectomy and fenestration with p>0.05. Fenestration is advantageous over Laminectomy in perioperative parameters,i.e; less soft tissue injury, less blood loss, less duration of surgery, good spinal function, smooth patient recovery, early rehabilitation


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How to Cite
Singh V, Mehta R, Patidar A, Bhinde S, Agrawal A, Jain P, Soni A, Rathore S S, Gupta N. Comparative study between laminectomy and fenestration surgery in lumbar prolapsed intervertebral disc (PIVD). ojmpc [Internet]. 2023Jul.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];29(01). Available from:
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