Fluroscopic guided capsular distention with and without suprascapular nerve block in frozen shoulder patients a prospective comparative study

  • Peepra D
  • Lodhi J S
  • Gajbhiye S
  • Vidyarthi A
  • Chauhan H PG Resident Department of Orthopaedics Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College, Jabalpur (M. P.)
Keywords: adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder, suprascapular nerve block


Background: In general practise, frozen shoulder is a common condition, in which pain and gross restriction of movement around affected shoulder joint occur. Aim of our study is to compare the effectiveness of fluoroscopic guided capsular distension with and without suprascapular nerve block to relieve pain and improve range of movement.
Material & method: An observational study of 60 patients of frozen shoulder to compare capsular distension with steroid, local anaesthetic and normal saline in 30 patients with suprascapular nerve block (group A). Capsular distension with steroid, local anaesthetic and normal saline without suprascapular nerve block in 30 patients (Group B). After capsular distension all patients advised physiotherapy, ranges of movement and pain over shoulder joint were assessed over a 12-week period.
Results: In comparison to fluoroscopic guided capsular distension without suprascapular block (Group B), fluoroscopic guided capsular distension with suprascapular block (group A) has a more decreased SPADI and VAS score
Conclusions: According to this study, suprascapular nerve block is a more safe and effective method of treating frozen shoulder than distension with no nerve block.


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How to Cite
Peepra D, Lodhi J S, Gajbhiye S, Vidyarthi A, Chauhan H. Fluroscopic guided capsular distention with and without suprascapular nerve block in frozen shoulder patients a prospective comparative study. ojmpc [Internet]. 2023Jul.31 [cited 2025Feb.16];29(01). Available from: https://ojmpc.com/index.php/ojmpc/article/view/171
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