Calcar Buttress Screw Fixation: A Wonderful Modality to preserve the Head of Femur

  • Vidyarthi A
  • Sirsikar A
  • Johari V
Keywords: Calcar Buttress Screw Fixation, fracture Neck of Femur, BDSF


Case Details: A 25-Year-old male presented to our department, with complaints of pain, swelling and inability to move his right lower limb, on examination swelling, tenderness was present over right hip and restricted movement at right hip joint. Radiological examination revealed fracture Neck of Femur Right, Pauwels grade 3 with more than 50° and Garden Classification Type 4.

Operative Details: Closed reduction internal fixation with 3, 7.5mm self-tapping cannulated cancellous screw was done in biplanar double supported screw fixation.


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How to Cite
Vidyarthi A, Sirsikar A, Johari V. Calcar Buttress Screw Fixation: A Wonderful Modality to preserve the Head of Femur. ojmpc [Internet]. 2022Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];28(02):86-7. Available from:
Case Report