Primary Osteoarthritis Knee: establishing its cause, pathogenesis and treatment -A Prospective Case-Control Study
Background: The objectives of this analytical study were to compare two scores, Western Ontario McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), Euroqol Group Health Status Score through Visual Analog Scale (EQVAS); Deficient Full Flexion (DFF) and Deficient Full Extension of knee at the beginning and end-point in two, Trial (G1) and Control (G2) groups of Primary Osteoarthritis Knee patients.
Material and Methods: In this study total patients were 125, in G1 - 100 and in G2 – 25. G1 group received hypothesized treatment, contracture correction therapy (CCT) while G2 did no therapy. WOMAC determination done by the questionnaire; EQVAS by vertical-scale and deficiencies by goniometer at 0, 6, 12 and 24 weeks. The CCT consisted of eight body postures, aimed to provide passive flexion or passive extension.
Results: The CCT receiving was associated with recovery (P 0.00) while non-receiving with deterioration (P 0.00). In G1, WOMAC improved: 71.70 to 3.68 and EQVAS 22.25 to 91.55 (P 0.00). In G2, WOMAC deteriorated score worsened from 53.00 to 71.88 and EQVAS 58.60 to 11.96 (P 0.00). DFF and DFE showed coinciding changes.
Conclusion: The cause, pathogenesis and treatment are deficient full flexion/deficient full extension; capsular contracture formation and passive flexion or passive extension respectively.
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