Giant cell tumour of distal end radius:various treatment protocol and results

  • Maravi D.S. Professor, Department of Orthopaedics
  • Uikey S. Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics
  • Gaur S. Professor and Head, Department of Orthopaedics
Keywords: Giant cell tumour, Distal end radius, Musculo Skeletal Tumour Society Score


Introduction: Giant cell tumor are benign aggressive type of tumor which account 20% of benign bone tumors and 6% of all bone tumors. GCT usually occurs at metaphysis of long bones and distal end radius is 3rd most common site after distal end of femur and proximal end tibia. Various treatment modalities are mentioned in literature from simple curettage to reconstruction or prosthetic replacement of distal radius.

Material and method: A prospective study of 26 patients of GCT of distal end of radius treated by various procedures in our institute and followed upto 24 months to evaluate complications and functional outcome based on The Musculo Skeletal Tumour Society Score.

Results: All patients had been followed strictly so no loss of follow up of a single patient. After 24 months of follow up functional score evaluated as 80% in patients treated as curettage with PMMA augmentation or iliac bone grafting, 73% in treated as resection with fibular autografting or ulnar translocation with osteosynthesis and 60% in those who are undergone as resection and centralization of ulna with osteosynthesis.

Conclusion: A careful clinical and radiological assessment of distal radius GCT and judicious treatment plan is the key for successful outcome in these lesions.


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How to Cite
Maravi D.S., Uikey S., Gaur S. Giant cell tumour of distal end radius:various treatment protocol and results. ojmpc [Internet]. 2015Dec.31 [cited 2024Oct.22];21(2):41-9. Available from:
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