Journey till now and future ahead

  • Agrawal Alok HOD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, CG, India
Keywords: MBBS, MS Orthopaedics, IOA MP Chapter


The Orthopaedic Journal of M P Chapter started in the early 1980's with Dr. P.K. Rai as the first editor. He was very much enthusiastic about it and the journal was being published twice a year at times. Dr. P.K. Rai as Editor published the journal till volume 7 and this was the era when I was doing my MBBS and then MS Orthopaedics. I joined Govt. Medical College Jabalpur in the late 1997 when Dr. H.K.T. Raza was the editor of the journal. Dr. Raza is a man of principle. He wanted that the journal should have quality articles and they should be submitted by enthusiasm and not repeated requests. In his tenure he published volume 8 and volune 9 as single journals in 1998 and 1999. He had taken special permission from the executive body of IOA MP Chapter to co-opt me as a member of the editorial board in 1999 and that was my first entry to this journal. The computer man, printer, basic structure of the journal then has been preserved all over the years till now. These were days when the journal had to generate its own income for getting printed.The Orthopaedic Journal of M P Chapter started in the early 1980's with Dr. P.K. Raias the first editor. He was very much enthusiastic about it and the journal was beingpublished twice a year at times. Dr. P.K. Rai as Editor published the journal till volume 7and this was the era when I was doing my MBBS and then MS Orthopaedics. I joined Govt.Medical College Jabalpur in the late 1997 when Dr. H.K.T. Raza was the editor of thejournal. Dr. Raza is a man of principle. He wanted that the journal should have qualityarticles and they should be submitted by enthusiasm and not repeated requests. In histenure he published volume 8 and volune 9 as single journals in 1998 and 1999. He hadtaken special permission from the executive body of IOA MP Chapter to co-opt me as amember of the editorial board in 1999 and that was my first entry to this journal. Thecomputer man, printer, basic structure of the journal then has been preserved all over theyears till now. These were


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basic structure of the journal then has been preserved all over theyears till now
How to Cite
Agrawal Alok. Journey till now and future ahead. ojmpc [Internet]. 2015Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.16];21(2):1-. Available from: