Prospective comparative study of local steroid and autologous blood injection in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis

  • Kerakkanavar S Department of orthopedics, Rajarajeshwari medical college and hospital, Bengaluru, India
  • Raghavendra V. Department of orthopedics, Rajarajeshwari medical college and hospital, Bengaluru, India
Keywords: tennis elbow, elbow pain, tendinopathy


Background: Tennis elbow (Lateral epicondylitis) frequently encountered myotendinosis affecting around 3 -5 % of population. It’s an ECRB insertion overuse injury at the lateral epicondyle of humerus affecting dominant arm. Non-operative treatment is successful in 80% of patients with tennis elbow. Recent research papers indicate autologous blood injection at the insertion of ECRB proved to be effective in decreasing pain in intermediate and long-term period

Methods: This was a randomized control study done in Rajarajeshwari medical college and hospital, Bengaluru to compare the effectiveness of steroid and autologous blood local injection in terms of controlling pain and disability in short term. Total no. of 40 patients, divided in to 2 groups. One group injected at the site of lateral epicondyle with steroid (methyl prednisolone acetate-40mg) and another group with autologous blood (2ml of venous blood). Patients were followed up at 1st, 4th, and 12th week, pain and disability assessed with visual analogue scale (VAS) and Nirschl staging.

Results: At 1st week corticosteroid injection group (Group I) recorded a statistically significant decrease in pain (VAS Score) compared to autologous blood injection group. At 4th week both group patients had decrease in pain and disability but statistically not significant when compared to each other. At 12th week review, autologous blood injection group (Group II) recorded statistically significant decrease in pain (P-0.0146) and disability (P-0.0001) compared to corticosteroid injection group.

Conclusion: Since autologous blood injection at the lateral epicondyle on OPD basis showed significant improvement in pain and disability, we recommend using same for the treatment of tennis elbow.


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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3970340
Published: 2017-12-31
How to Cite
Kerakkanavar S, Raghavendra V. Prospective comparative study of local steroid and autologous blood injection in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis. ojmpc [Internet]. 2017Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];23(2):22-7. Available from:
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