Intradiscal Ozone Oxygen in Lumbar Disc Prolapse

  • Gupta V Department of Orthopaedics Hiranandani Hospiatl, Mumbai, India
  • Singh P K Department of Orthopaedics Hiranandani Hospiatl, Mumbai, India
  • Banode P Department of Orthopaedics Hiranandani Hospiatl, Mumbai, India
  • Khan S Department of Orthopaedics Hiranandani Hospiatl, Mumbai, India
Keywords: Intradiscal ozone, Disc prolapse, Contained disc


Background: Lumbar disc herniation is one of common cause of hospitalization in current orthopaedics practice. There are great controversies whether to conserve or intervene for contained disc prolapsed. The purpose of current study to evaluate usefulness of intradiscal ozone infiltration for contained disc prolapsed.

Methods: Total 122 patients were treated with intrasdical ozone infiltration. All the patients who had contained disc prolapsed without neurological involvement were included in the study. Visual analogue scores and Mcnab scoring were used to evaluate results of the patients.

Results: The mean age of the patient was 41.64 ± 7.3 and most of the patients were male who involved strenuous hard work. The mean pre-treatment VAS score was 7.40 ± 0.50, and at the end of follow up was 3.40 ± 1.25

. Conclusion: We can conclude that intradiscal oxygen-ozone is an alternative treatment modality for contained lu mbar disk herniation.


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Intradiscal Ozone Oxygen in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3970819
Published: 2016-06-30
How to Cite
Gupta V, Singh P K, Banode P, Khan S. Intradiscal Ozone Oxygen in Lumbar Disc Prolapse. ojmpc [Internet]. 2016Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];22(1):15-9. Available from:
Original Article