Core decompression and non-vascularized iliac crest graft in avascular necrosis of hip

  • Khare A This study is conducted in Global hospital, Ujjain
Keywords: Core decompression, iliac crest graft, avascular necrosis of hip


Background: Avascular necrosis of femoral head occurs due to impaired blood supply of the head of femur. Core decompression with non-vascularized iliac crest graft has been the treatment of choice in cases of early AVN.

Material and Method: This prospective, interventional study was conducted in Global hospital, Ujjain from jan-2022 to march -2023. We studied 20 hips having AVN of the femoral head treated by core decompression and autologous cancellous bone grafting with a graft taken from the iliac crest. Total number of 20 patients with AVN of the femoral head (up to grade 2b of Ficat and Arlet classification) were treated by use of non-vascularized bone graft.

Results: The mean HHS was 69.45 preoperatively and 83.55 at six months postoperatively (p ≤ 0.0003). Out of 20 hips, 14 had excellent (HHS >90) to good (HHS 80-90) outcomes, while six had fair (HHS 70- 80) to poor (HHS >70) outcomes. The mean VAS score was 6.3 preoperatively and 3.8 at six months postoperatively (p ≤ 0.0001). On radiographic and clinical evaluation, the patients showed significant improvement on the six-month follow-up.

Conclusion: Our study suggests that core decompression with autologous cancellous bone grafting might not reverse AVN progression, but can delay the progression of AVN, avoid collapse, reduce pain, and provide improvement in functional outcomes at least in the short term.



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How to Cite
Khare A. Core decompression and non-vascularized iliac crest graft in avascular necrosis of hip . ojmpc [Internet]. 2024Jan.31 [cited 2024Oct.22];29(02):50-5. Available from:
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