Management of postoperative vascular compromise in supracondylar fracture of the humerus in children

  • Pandey K.K. Associate Professor
  • Maravi L.S. Associate Professor
  • Turkar R. Assistant Professor
Keywords: supracondylar fracture, vascular compromise, pulse oximeter


Supracondylar fracture in children is frequently associated with neurovascular complication. It constitutes an orthopaedic emergency when it is associated with vascular compromise. Vascular complication is rarely seen with open reduction and k wire fixation. We retrospectively analysed results of two patients where vascular compromise was identified clinically and by pulse oximeter after open reduction and internal fixation and managed. Thus early recognition and adequate treatment provides good prognosis. Separate anterior incision for surgical exploration of vessel is recommended to avoid posterior skin necrosis. Regional anaesthesia should be avoided in supracondylar fracture as it hampers assessment of nerve function postoperatively.


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How to Cite
Pandey K.K., Maravi L.S., Turkar R. Management of postoperative vascular compromise in supracondylar fracture of the humerus in children. ojmpc [Internet]. 2015Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.16];21(2):70-3. Available from:
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