Outcome analysis of tibial plateau fractures fixed by single lateral periarticular locking plate

  • Maravi D.S. Professor
  • Ganvir A. Assistant Professor
  • Gaur S. Professor and Head
Keywords: Tibial plateau fractures, Schatzker classification, Locking compression plate, Rasmussen knee score


Introduction: Tibial plateau fractures comprises of 1% of all fractures and 8% of fractures in the elderly.The severity of injury increases classified by schatzker classification. Intraarticular tibial bicondylar fractures are notoriously difficult to treat. Nowadays locking plate technology has allowed for a new approach to this difficult fracture.

Material and methods: This was a prospective study of 47 patients with tibial plateau fractures fixed with single lateral periarticular locking plate over lateral surface of tibia and followed upto 1year and evaluated by using Rasmussen knee score system.

Results: All patients were followed properly but three patients were lost to follow up so only remaining 44 patients were evaluated.at 1 year of follow up functional outcome was assessed and observed that 79.54% of patients had good to excellent results while 20.45% patients had fair results.

Conclusions: Tibial plateau articular fractures demands anatomical reduction and absolute stability to enhance the healing of articular fragments and make early motion possible .Periarticular locking plates combined with biological techniques have improved outcome with respect to union rate and decrease soft tissue complications.


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How to Cite
Maravi D.S., Ganvir A., Gaur S. Outcome analysis of tibial plateau fractures fixed by single lateral periarticular locking plate. ojmpc [Internet]. 2015Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.14];21(2):64-9. Available from: https://ojmpc.com/index.php/ojmpc/article/view/15
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