Ponseti Technique In Children With Idiopathic Club Foot Presenting After 1 Year Of Age: A Retrospective Study

  • Singh VB Department of Orthopaedics, Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa (M.P.)
  • Gawande J Department of Orthopaedics, Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa (M.P.)
  • Lakhtakia PK Department of Orthopaedics, Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa (M.P.)
Keywords: Clubfoot, Ponseti method, Pirani score, Neglected CTEV


Background: Ponseti method is accepted as gold standard treatment for idiopathic clubfoot in infants. However, very few studies are available in literature on use of Ponseti method in older children. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Ponseti technique in the treatment of late presenting congenital idiopathic club foot (CTEV).

Material & Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the results of ponseti method of serial casting in 23 patients with 32 clubfeet (15 males and 8 females) presenting after the walking age by using Pirani score. Quantitative variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation and compared between initial and last follow-up scores using the paired t-test.

Results: The mean age at presentation was 3.4 (range 1 to 15) years and mean follow up was 14.2 (range 6 to 21) months. The mean pre-correction Pirani score improved from 4.51 (range 2.5 to 6) to 0.55 (range 0 to 1) after treatment, respectively which was statistically significant (p < .001). In 95% of the feet, satisfactory correction of the deformity was achieved. The mean number of casts applied was 9.2 (range 6 to 16).

Conclusion: The Ponseti technique is an effective method for the management of idiopathic clubfoot, even in older children up to 15 years of age.


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How to Cite
Singh VB, Gawande J, Lakhtakia PK. Ponseti Technique In Children With Idiopathic Club Foot Presenting After 1 Year Of Age: A Retrospective Study. ojmpc [Internet]. 2020Dec.16 [cited 2025Mar.10];26(2):70-4. Available from: https://ojmpc.com/index.php/ojmpc/article/view/121
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