Approach To A Clubfoot Deformity Patient: Ponseti Management

  • Ajmera A Department of Orthopaedics, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore (M.P.)
  • Dr Saurabh Jain Department of Orthopaedics, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore (M.P.)
Keywords: Club foot, Ponseti method, Manipulation and Casting


Clubfoot is among the most common congenital foot deformities, needing correction, which when left untreated can cause severe cosmetic, functional and social issues. Ponseti method has revolutionized the treatment in favour of nonsurgical serial manipulation and casting. Simultaneous correction of cavus, adductus, and varus followed by correction of equinus by percutaneous tenotomy can be achieved in mean 5 weeks. It is based on sound understanding of the functional anatomy of foot (synchronous movements of the tarsal bones at subtalar joint to unlock the deformity) and biological response of young connective tissue and bone to change in direction of mechanical stimuli which can gradually reduce or almost eliminate deformities of clubfeet. This review article describes, approach to a clubfoot patient, its features, classification, assessment, ponseti method of manipulation and casting and errors of treatment and their management. Aim of this review article is to compile the important information pertaining to clubfoot management which will be useful for the basic orthopaedic surgeon in their clinical practice and for post-graduate students.


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How to Cite
Ajmera A, Jain S. Approach To A Clubfoot Deformity Patient: Ponseti Management. ojmpc [Internet]. 2020Dec.16 [cited 2025Mar.10];26(2):52-4. Available from:
Review Article