Analysis of Potential Bone Donors and Deferral Rates for Bone Bank in a Tertiary Care Hospital

  • Zafar A
  • Jain AK
  • Aggarwal AN
  • Bhayana H
  • Dhammi IK
Keywords: Bone bank, Allograft, Donor selection


Background: Bone grafts are widely used in various orthopaedic procedures. Problems of limited availability of autograft and donor site complications can be overcome by use of allograft procured from the bone bank. The banks are underutilized due to high donor deferral rate. Hence this study is done to analyse the donor profile and donor deferral rate of our bone bank.

Material & Methods: Donor deferral rate in pre-harvesting phase, intraoperative phase and post harvesting phase in 67 patients of fracture neck of femur undergoing hemi-replacement / total hip replacement (THR), osteoarthritis hip undergoing THR and osteoarthritis knee undergoing total knee replacement, who donated the bone was analysed.

Results: Overall donor deferral rate was 69% as 46 donors out of the total 67 were rejected and only 21 (31%) donors were eligible for use. 24 (35%) donors were rejected during the pre-harvesting stage; 1 (1.4%) donor was rejected intraoperatively, whereas 21 (31 %) donors were rejected during the post harvesting period.

Conclusion: High rate of donor deferral rate has led to donation losses and burden on limited resources. Awareness, effective trained staff, proper counselling and consent, improved serological testing and equipped bone banks can reduce donor rejection and meet the increasing demand for bone grafts.


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How to Cite
kumar S, Ahmer Zafar, ANIL KUMAR JAIN, ADITYA N AGGARWAL, HIMANSHU BHAYANA, ISH KUMAR DHAMMI. Analysis of Potential Bone Donors and Deferral Rates for Bone Bank in a Tertiary Care Hospital. ojmpc [Internet]. 2020Dec.31 [cited 2025Jan.15];27(1):22-7. Available from:
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