Neglected Cauda Equina Syndrome Due To Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc In An Adolescent Patient: A Case Report And Review Of Literature

  • Gawande J Shyam Shah Medical College Rewa
  • Verma P K
  • Mishra S
  • Lakhtakia PK
Keywords: Cauda equine syndrome, Lumbar disc herniation, Laminectomy


Lumbar disc herniation is very rare in children and adolescent age group. We report a rare case of two months old neglected case of post traumatic L4-L5 disc herniation causing cauda equina syndrome and bilateral foot drop in a 13-year-old patient. He was treated successfully with emergency L4 laminectomy and L4-L5 discectomy, and he recovered fully without any restricted activity. Cauda equina is a surgical emergency, which should be diagnosed and operated as early as possible for good results, even if the patient presents late.


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How to Cite
Gawande J, Verma PK, Mishra S, Lakhtakia PK. Neglected Cauda Equina Syndrome Due To Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc In An Adolescent Patient: A Case Report And Review Of Literature. ojmpc [Internet]. 2020Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];27(1):46-9. Available from:
Case Report