Functional and radiological outcome of long proximal femoral nail in subtrochanteric femur fracture
Introduction: Treatment of subtrochanteric fracture is always a challenge for orthopaedic surgeons. Use of proximal femoral nail helps to prevent excessive fracture impaction and consecutive limb shortening in unstable intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures. Our study is aimed to observe the results of Subtrochanteric fractures treated by Long Proximal Femoral Nail.
Material and Method: This observational study was conducted in Department of Orthopaedics of R D Gardi Medical College & associated CRGH, Ujjain during the year July 2016 to June 2018. In this study, 32 cases of fracture subtrochanteric femur (Seinsheimer type I, II, III, IV, V) were admitted and treated by internal fixation using long PFN.
Results: Out of these 32 cases, 1 patient expired and 1 patient was lost in follow up, so our study is aimed at remaining 30 cases. Results were assessed by Modified Harris Hip Score. Modified Harris Hip Score at final follow up (6 months) was Poor in 2 (6%) cases, Fair in 3 (10%) cases, Good in 11 (37%) cases and Excellent in 14 (47%) cases. Mean Modified Harris Hip Score was 87.16.
Conclusion: Our conclusion is that in subtrochanteric fracture, Long PFN helps in achieving good biological reduction, provides stability and prevents excessive collapse & limb shortening. Thus, it helps in achieving overall good functional outcome.
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