Open reduction & interal fixation of intra articular type of fracture calcaneum with locking calcaneum plate- a prospective study

  • Rai A.K. Resident
  • Goel R. Professor & HOD
  • Sisodia Y. Resident
  • Bhatia C. Resident
  • Gondane A. Resident
Keywords: interal fixation, Gissanes angle, intraarticular


Introduction: Displaced intra articular calcaneal fracture are associated with severe disability and it is recommended that open reduction and fixation should be done to restore anatomy of subtalar joint. The intent of our study is to evaluate outcome of open reduction and fixation with locking plates in terms of foot and ankle function and complications

Materials and Methods: 25 patients with 30 fracture calcaneum (less than 3 weeks old) aged less than 50 years were included and classified according to sanders classification. Radiographs were taken to evaluate the Bohlers angle and Gissanes angle. Open reduction and internal fixation was done with locking calcaneum plateusing a lateral approach. Outcome was evaluated using Maryland foot Score.

Results : Mean age in this study was 34.2 years (22-48 years). Sanders type III was commonest in our study (46.6%). Mean preoperative Bohlers angle was 15.16°±5.58°. Postoperative Bohlers angle was 29.5°±4.07. Mean Pre opearative Gissanes angle was 16°±7.95. Mean Post opearative Gissanes angle was 123°±11.75. Average Maryland foot score was 79.7 (Good). Complications were seen in 6 patients

Conclusion: Open reduction and internal fixation of displaced intraarticular fractures of calcaneum is an excellent method with minimal complications and good to excellent results


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How to Cite
Rai A.K., Goel R., Sisodia Y., Bhatia C., Gondane A. Open reduction & interal fixation of intra articular type of fracture calcaneum with locking calcaneum plate- a prospective study. ojmpc [Internet]. 2015Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.16];21(2):57-3. Available from:
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