Comparative Analysis of Results Between Conventional and Accelerated Ponseti Technique for Idiopathic Congenital Clubfoot
Sirsikar A1*, Turkar R2, Verma H S3
1* Ashish Sirsikar, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, MP, India.
2 Turkar R, Department of Orthopaedics.
3 Verma H S, Department of Orthopaedics.
I read with great interest the article by Sharma P et al.[1] titled as “Comparative Analysis of results between Conventional and Accelerated Ponseti Technique for idiopathic congenital clubfoot”. The application of best available evidence to any health care setting is important, particularly if there are clear benefits to the recipients of this care. The rescheduling of the weekly clubfoot clinic for casting, to at least twice weekly, is now a possible shift in contemporary evidence based practice. We congratulate the authors for conducting this study of its first kind in the Indian population.
Keywords: Comparative Analysis, Technique, Idiopathic
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, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, MP, India.Sirsikar A, Turkar R, Verma H S, Comparative Analysis of Results Between Conventional and Accelerated Ponseti Technique for Idiopathic Congenital Clubfoot. ojmpc. 2016;22(2):54-55. Available From |